Skupinová výstava/Group exhibition
12. 12. 2019 - 19. 1. 2020
Galéria 19, Bratislava, Slovakia
Participating Artists:
Lenka Cisáriková
Mária Čorejová
Martin Derner
Alexandra Fazekašová
Rita Koszorús
Peter Kotvan
Marianna Mlynárčiková and Nóra Rúžičková
Katarína Slaninková
Veronika Šramatyová
Emőke Vargová
Ivona Žirková
Ako poslednú tohtoročnú prezentáciu uvádza Galéria 19 na svojej výstavnej scéne práce dvanástich talentovaných, ešte takmer mladých umelcov s rozmanitým výtvarným programom. S galériou ich spája blízka príbuznosť, lebo počas jej desaťročnej existencie všetci individuálne vystavovali na jej pôde a tu zažívali začiatky aj konce štvortýždňovej nehynúcej slávy. Teraz majú šancu znova si dni obdivu zopakovať, dokonca predlžiť, pretože výstava ich prác bude otvorená skoro dva mesiace. Devätnástka pred dvomi rokmi prvýkrát predstavila vo svojich priestoroch nový výstavný projekt, ktorý definovala ako prezentáciu prác na papieri. Plánuje ho ako dlhodobejší projekt, ktorý by sa cyklicky opakoval, vždy s dielami nových autorov. Prvé dva ročníky boli vydarené, diváci si ich pochvaľovali s neskrývaným prekvapením, koľko skvelých prác európskej avantgardy druhej polovice dvadsiateho storočia sa nachádza v súkromných zbierkach na Slovensku. Pre súčasnú tretiu výstavu poskytla galéria priestor dielam slovenských výtvarníkov dnes už strednej generácie, ktorých umelecká rada devätnástky pozvala prezentovať výber z ich tvorby zúžený na práce na papieri. Všetci vyzvaní pozvanie prijali, s plnou vážnosťou prešli svoje archívy, niektorí vybrali staršie práce, iní vytvorili nové a spoločne vystavili veľmi kvalitnú produkciu zo svojej tvorby. Čo všetko ponúkajú návštevníkom galérie?
V galérii je prezentovaných dvanásť rozmanitých výtvarných postupov dvanástich autorov, ktorí rokmi nič nestratili zo svojho mladíckeho tvorivého entuziazmu a ich vystavené diela dokazujú, že sú nesporným kvalitatívnym prínosom pre slovenské výtvarné umenie.
As the last presentation of this year, Galéria 19 presents the work of twelve talented, still almost young artists with a diverse artistic program on its exhibition stage. They have a close relationship with the gallery, because during its ten-year existence they all individually exhibited on its grounds and experienced the beginnings and ends of the four-week immortal glory here. Now they have a chance to repeat the days of admiration again, even extend it, because the exhibition of their works will be open for almost two months. Two years ago, Nevetnástka presented a new exhibition project in its premises for the first time, which it defined as a presentation of works on paper. He plans it as a longer-term project that would be repeated cyclically, always with works by new authors. The first two editions were successful, the audience praised them with undisguised surprise at how many great works of the European avant-garde of the second half of the twentieth century can be found in private collections in Slovakia. For the current third exhibition, the gallery provided space for the works of Slovak artists of the middle generation, who were invited by the art council of the 19th to present a selection of their work narrowed down to works on paper. All those invited accepted the invitation, went through their archives with full seriousness, some selected older works, others created new ones and together exhibited a very high-quality production of their work. What do they offer gallery visitors?
Peter Kotvan brought brutally torn books and confronts their torsos with a subtle, computer-edited color hatching of banal photographs. The collage schmerzbilds of Rita Koszorús, which she gradually creates on her travels through various centers of European art, are captivating with their playful vitality. Black and white appealing drawings are presented by Mária Čorejová as a current ecological memento. Marianna Mlynárčiková and Nóra Ružičková brought a paper strip to the gallery, their own selection of Dadaist-poetic texts from their Author's book ABC. Emőke Vargová exhibits monochrome transfers, transfers of the structures of hard surfaces and their transformation into fragile paper drawings. Martin Derner brought a self-constructed variable book alphabet from which any textures can be arranged by rearranging each other. Lenka Cisárová shows how she returned to classical painting media with her watercolors. In cooperation with the children's community, Alexandra Fazekašová promoted adventurous, fantastic fairy tales. Veronika Šramatyová perfectly painted hyper-realistic miniatures of environments that are visually inspiring for her. Ivona Žirková sent structural drawings to the exhibition, which on closer inspection appear as gently vibrating, undulating embryos of birth. And finally, the centrally installed mysterious drawing by Katarína Slaninková, which with its large-scale dominance seemed to symbolically open and close the entire exhibited envelope of works on paper.
The gallery presents twelve diverse artistic practices of twelve authors who have not lost anything of their youthful creative enthusiasm over the years, and their exhibited works prove that they are an indisputable qualitative contribution to Slovak visual arts.
Marian Meško
december 2019